Saturday 8 July 2006

Insulted, abused and all too often silenced

On 26 April 2009, The Daily Express quoted the New Labour MP, Frank Field, thus:

"For many years, probably a generation, immigration has been a no-go area to British politics. Those who have raised the subject have been insulted, abused and, all too often, silenced. Net migration – the number of people coming to the UK minus the people leaving – has more than quadrupled since 1997.

Our population is officially projected to reach 70 million by 2028 and 80 million in mid-century, with immigration the main driver...

Cold statistics do not paint the whole picture. Delve beneath ‘seven new Birminghams’ and we see that in the next 20 years, one third of projected household formations will be a result of immigration, meaning we will need to build 260 houses a day for the next 20 years.

If the Government does not adopt the policy of balanced migration our population is set to rise to a level to which the vast majority of people are strongly opposed."
I responded thus in the Have Your Say section underneath the article:

"So, Frank Field, an admirably honest MP, is prepared to admit this: 'For many years, probably a generation, immigration has been a no-go area to British politics. Those who have raised the subject have been INSULTED, ABUSED AND, ALL TOO OFTEN, SILENCED.'

Tell it to the BNP and the National Front, Frank. They were trying to 'raise the subject' when you were still in political short trousers. And THEY are STILL being 'insulted' and 'abused' for daring to make the unfashionable facts known!

As yet, however, Big Brother has not 'silenced' them. Despite the insults, despite the abuse, despite the smears and lies, despite the punitive race laws, which can see an honest man jailed for seven, long years just for telling the truth, the powers-that-be have never managed to silence the British Nationalist. I speak as someone who has never been a member of any political party, let alone the BNP, by the way.

If you are interested in a bit of an eye-opener as regards what some of the diverse, enriching types do when they get here, check out the Rogues Gallery.

Those who have been giving away our housing stock to the Rogues Gallery inhabitant for more than 40 years now, have been at pains to keep his malign effect upon British society hidden for all that time. You can be certain sure, ladies and gentlemen, that the 'seven new Birminghams' will contain many more Rogues than appear in the Gallery at present."

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