Saturday 5 August 2006

Negative views of Israel’s influence in the world

On 10 May 2012, a BBC World Service poll told us this:

“Evaluations of Israel’s influence in the world—already largely unfavourable in 2011—have worsened in 2012. On average, in the 22 tracking countries surveyed both in 2011 and 2012, 50 per cent of respondents have negative views of Israel’s influence in the world, an increase of three points from 2011...

Out of 22 countries polled in 2011, 17 lean negative, three lean positive, and two are divided.

In the Western countries surveyed, views of Israel show improvement only in the US.. . Apart from the US, the most favourable views of Israel are found in Nigeria and Kenya…

In the EU countries surveyed, views of Israeli influence have hardened in Spain (74% negative ratings, up 8 points) and in France (65%, up 9 points)—while positive ratings remain low and steady. Negative ratings from the Germans and the British remain very high and stable (69% and 68%, respectively).

In other Anglo-Saxon countries, views have worsened in Australia (65% negative ratings, up 7 points) and in Canada (59%, up 7 points)…

Negative attitudes have also increased among the Chinese, the Indians, and the Russians…

For those who held negative views of Israel influence in the world, the foreign policy of the Israeli State is by some distance the main reason explaining their negative rating (45%). The way Israel treats its own people stands out as the second most important reason (27%).”
On 20 March 2012, Jennifer Lipman reported thus in The Jewish Chronicle:

"Nearly half of Britons question loyalty of Jews...

In 2009 only 37 per cent of British respondents deemed the suggestion that Jews were more loyal to Israel to be accurate, 48 PER CENT FOUND IT TO BE 'PROBABLY TRUE' THIS YEAR...

The 2012 survey showed that a fifth of Britons believed it was 'probably true' that 'Jews have too much power in the business world' and 22 per cent agreed that 'Jews have too much power in international financial markets.' Just 15 per cent of British respondents supported those statements when asked about them three years ago...

More British respondents this year than in 2009 – 24 per cent, up from 20 per cent - agreed that Jews 'still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust'."
The sheeple are waking up, it seems.

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