Saturday 23 June 2007

A real case against the Jews

'A real case against the Jews' by the Romanian-American Jew and Rothschild biographer, Marcus Eli Ravage (Revici), was first published in the January 1928 edition of The Century Magazine. (Vol. 115, pp. 346-350)

"The thing that intrigues me about this anti-Jewish business, as you play at it, is your total lack of grit. You are so indirect and roundabout with it, you make such transparent excuses, you seem to be suffering from self-consciousness so horribly, that if the performance were not grotesque, it would be irritating.

It is not as if you were amateurs: you have been at it for over fifteen centuries. Yet watching you and hearing your childish pretexts, one might get the impression that you did not know yourselves what it is all about. You resent us, but you cannot clearly say why. You think up a new excuse, a 'reason' is what you call it, every other day. You have been piling up justifications for yourselves these many hundreds of years and each new invention is more laughable than the last and each new excuse contradicts and annihilates the last.

Not so many years ago I used to hear that we were money-grubbers and commercial materialists; now the complaint is being whispered around that no art and no profession is safe against Jewish invasion.

We are, if you are to be believed, at once clannish and exclusive and unassimilable because we won’t intermarry with you, and we are also climbers and pushers and a menace to your racial integrity. Our standard of living is so low that we create your slums and sweated industries, and so high that we crowd you out of your best residential sections.

We shirk our patriotic duty in wartime because we are pacifists by nature and tradition, and we are the arch-plotters of universal wars and the chief beneficiaries of those wars (see the late 'Dearborn Independent,' passim, and 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'). We are at once the founders and leading adherents of capitalism and the chief perpetrators of the rebellion against capitalism. Surely, history has nothing like us for versatility!

And, oh! I almost forgot the reason of reasons. We are the stiff-necked people who never accepted Christianity, and we are the criminal people who crucified its founder.

But I can tell you, you are self-deceivers. You lack either the self-knowledge or the mettle to face the facts squarely and own up to the truth. You resent the Jew not because, as some of you seem to think, he crucified Jesus but because he gave him birth. Your real quarrel with us is not that we have rejected Christianity but that we have imposed it upon you!

Your loose, contradictory charges against us are not a patch on the blackness of OUR PROVED HISTORIC OFFENSE. You accuse us of stirring up revolution in Moscow. Suppose WE ADMIT THE CHARGE. What of it? Compared with what Paul the Jew of Tarsus accomplished in Rome, the Russian upheaval is a mere street brawl.

You make much noise and fury about the undue Jewish influence in your theaters and movie palaces. Very good; granted YOUR COMPLAINT IS WELL-FOUNDED. OUR STAGGERING INFLUENCE IN YOUR CHURCHES, YOUR SCHOOLS, YOUR LAWS AND YOUR GOVERNMENTS, AND THE VERY THOUGHTS YOU THINK EVERY DAY?

A clumsy Russian forges a set of papers and publishes them in a book called 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,' which shows that WE PLOTTED TO BRING ON THE LATE WORLD WAR. You believe that book. All right. For the sake of argument WE WILL UNDERWRITE EVERY WORD OF IT. IT IS GENUINE AND AUTHENTIC. But what is that beside THE UNQUESTIONABLE HISTORICAL CONSPIRACY WHICH WE HAVE CARRIED OUT, which we have never denied because you never had the courage to charge us with it, and of which the full record is extant for anybody to read?...


Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, care-free, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy.

Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. WHO KNOWS WHAT GREAT AND GLORIOUS DESTINY MIGHT HAVE BEEN YOURS IF WE HAD LEFT YOU ALONE?

But we did not leave you alone. WE TOOK YOU IN HAND AND PULLED DOWN THE BEAUTIFUL AND GENEROUS STRUCTURE YOU HAD REARED, AND CHANGED THE WHOLE COURSE OF YOUR HISTORY. WE CONQUERED YOU as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, WITH PROPAGANDA.

We made you the willing and unconscious bearers of our mission to the whole world, to the barbarous races of the earth, to the countless unborn generations. Without fully understanding what we were doing to you, you became the agents at large of our racial tradition, carrying our gospel to the unexplored ends of the earth.

Our tribal customs have become the core of your moral code. Our tribal laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all your august constitutions and legal systems. Our legends and our folk tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poets have filled your hymnals and your prayer books. Our national history has become an indispensable part of your pastors and priests and scholars.

Our kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors are your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricably woven into your very speech and tradition, until no one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage.

Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised to their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. We have pulled down your idols, CAST ASIDE YOUR RACIAL INHERITANCE, AND SUBSTITUTED FOR THEM OUR GOD AND OUR TRADITIONS. NO CONQUEST IN HISTORY CAN EVEN REMOTELY COMPARE WITH THIS CLEAN SWEEP OF OUR CONQUEST OVER YOU...
Two thousand years ago nearly, in far-off Palestine, our religion had fallen into decay and materialism. Money-changers were in possession of the temple. Degenerate, selfish priests mulcted our people and grew fat. Then a young patriot-idealist arose and went about the land calling for a revival of faith. He had no thought of setting up a new church. Like all the prophets before him, his only aim was to purify and revitalize the old creed. He attacked the priests and drove the money-changers from the temple.

This brought him into conflict with the established order and its supporting pillars. The Roman authorities, who were in occupation of the country, fearing his revolutionary agitation as a political effort to oust them, arrested him, tried him and condemned him to death by crucifixion, a common form of execution at that time.

The followers of Jesus of Nazareth, mainly slaves and poor workmen, in their bereavement and disappointment, turned away from the world and formed themselves into a brotherhood of pacifist non-resisters, sharing the memory of their crucified leader and living together communistically. They were merely a new sect in Judea, without power or consequence, neither the first nor the last.

Only after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans did the new creed come into prominence. Then a patriotic Jew named Paul or Saul conceived the idea of humbling the Roman power by destroying the morale or its soldiery with the doctrines of love and non-resistance preached by the little sect of Jewish Christians. He became the Apostle to the Gentiles, he who hitherto had been one of the most active persecutors of the band.

And so well did Paul do his work that within four centuries the great empire which had subjugated Palestine along with half of the world, was a heap of ruins. And the law which went forth from Zion became the official religion of Rome.

This was the beginning of our dominance in your world. But it was only a beginning. From this time forth your history is little more than a struggle for mastery between your own old pagan spirit and our Jewish spirit. HALF YOUR WARS, GREAT AND LITTLE, ARE RELIGIOUS WARS, FOUGHT OVER THE INTERPRETATION OF ONE THING OR ANOTHER IN OUR TEACHINGS.

You no sooner broke free from your primitive religious simplicity and attempted the practice of the pagan Roman learning than Luther armed with our gospels arose to down you and enthrone our heritage. Take the three principal revolutions in modern times—the French, the American and the Russian. What are they but the triumph of the Jewish idea of social, political and economic justice?


Is it any wonder you resent us? WE HAVE PUT A CLOG UPON YOUR PROGRESS. We have imposed upon you an alien book and an alien faith which you cannot swallow or digest, which is at cross-purposes with your native spirit, which keeps you everlastingly ill-at-ease, and which you lack the spirit either to reject or to accept in full...


You Christians have never become Christianized. To that extent we have failed with you. But we have forever spoiled the fun of paganism for you."
Wikipedia suggests the above is 'satirical.'

Satirical it may be but satire doesn't necessarily make the piece any the less on the mark or instructive. Of course, if the discordant and subversive 'propaganda' keeps on working as well as it has, all the instruction in the world isn't going to make much difference to the propagandised.

So, I doubt the Ravages of the modern era have much to worry about.

More Quotations and Commentary


The child brides of Britain
We are governed from Brussels!
A drug-crazed, gun-toting, knife-wielding multi-cultural cesspit
The Walkerville Way
John Saunderson-Smith murdered by thieving Polish builders
Mandelson's Oligarch pal linked to assassination
Rapper Dappy pays tribute to headteacher's killer
A Gay Pride flag on Whitehall

Baroness Vadera and the Libor scandal
Entrepreneurial zeal and the gang brand
The Murder of Heather Cooper
A shocking culture of cynicism and greed
Cheerleaders for international aid

Systematic dishonesty and computer glitches in India
The deterioration in Israel's legitimacy accelerates
Why did USA recognise Israel? Truman wanted the Jewish vote!
Brash, egotistical, hyperactive President Bling-Bling
Ritalin for the kids: trouble for the future
Wholly reminiscent of a totalitarian state
We need more Tatchells in the world
Partners of gay knights who "marry" may be given courtesy titles
Britain needs more Capitalism not less
Christians must not wear crosses at work!
Black people can't be racist
Our children aren't being taught their own history
The Rich List
Cardinal Brady just doesn’t get it
Welcome to Israel, only kidding you're in Giffnock
Ban and ostracise those the Moshes don't like!
Nationalistism, extremism, xenophobia and populism is increasing!
The Murder of Luke Fitzpatrick
Afghanistan will be a mess for many years to come
Young, black male unemployment doubles in 3 years

Cinderella slave, 7, smuggled in by Gypsies
Israel is not the master of its fate
They let it grow until it was out of control
The rioters lost hope in the future
We should complain more
Mr Jones must apologise
Make Bradford British
Mass immigration has changed our country for ever
De-b***ocking pervs
Eric Joyce
Why should the baby live?

A major democratic deficit within the EU
The politics of division, the politics of treachery
Being raped by a gang is normal
Poor leadership, PC dogma, warped priorities, tactical incompetence
Cultural differences causing damage and hygiene issues
Tragedies happening in many familes
With each passing year, interracial marriage is less of a rarity
Councillor Bevan deals the Holocaust hand
Militant secularism is taking hold

250 criminally active gangs in London
Childhood shyness could be relassified as a mental disorder

Israel is a crazy country - every 3 years it goes to war!

3,000 cases of 'honour-based' violence in 2010
We should return to the law as it was
Labour was one day away from handing Gibraltar to Spain

What an ordinary child could do
The 'sociocide' of Libyan society

Black people cannot be racist


The establishment isn't at war with the Asghars
Out of kit, out of nurses, out of beds
A bloke who could have predicted the riots
A sick man quibbling over numbers
An expendable Lord
I'm not sorry I burgled your house

Punish the bad
Our Satanic Government!
The Big Boy's Book of Bogey Men!
Children are sexually abused in greater numbers than ever imagined

The big global giveaway game
Our Satanic Government
Welcome to our world
The immigrant populations have been grossly underestimated

We must unite or face irrelevance!
The Expenses Cheat and Racism!
CLEGG: We are in nobody's pocket
Now no one thinks the single currency was a good idea
TUTU: our government is worse than the apartheid government
A slab of meat
Louise Mensch, MP: taking drugs was a natural part of growing up

A slab of meat
Europe's worn out welfare societies
Economic culture based on excess
They can't stand Israel's President
Iran: the mother lode of evil

Make them believe absurdities and they will commit atrocities
This is only the beginning
The deviance and threat posed by the white, working-class
The sheeple way
Unity and diversity didn't stop a Christian being murdered
The murder of Jo Yeates
Anti-Semitism is the new black
They drug us up, they dumb us down

Custody won't rehabilitate them!
Let me finish him off!
If they are not culturally close it can't work!
Sugar Daddy parties

Not a man one would trust
Education takes second place to husltle culture in Jamaica
Our civilisation has developed a culture of self-hatred, a death wish

The establishment colludes to ensure the Briton is shut out
Their poor understanding of fraud and corruption
The symbolism of seeing leaders who represent you really matters
Politicians and economists are out of options
For the good of this country
Committed to community harmony!

A charter for failed asylum seekers, criminals and terrorists
The need to be fair to victims is being ignored
We know what's wrong, we want you to put it right
Violence can be inhibited by physical and political boundaries

I will cut you into little pieces said the nurse!
They have total contempt for what the people think

Moral Bankruptcy is Blair's lasting legacy
Margaret Hodge
New Labour's top 50 achievements
The Palestinians have the right to resist!
The Norway Massacre
Ed Miliband's biggest donor
Ed Miliband's magus
'Democratic' governments do what their master wants

Children should come together in a common purpose
A different kind of Briton
Do you know when WWI ended?
Dutch society and its values must take precedence
They all despise the British
Outnumbered is my favourite programme

Tony Blair: the cutting edge of the future!
Nuclear base on Clyde to be handed to multinationals!
Only one black person went to Oxford
Call the bluff of the big, bad bankers!
William K. Black and the Gangster Bankers
The new, black broom
Jews did not kill Jesus says Pope
The global villagers all stand together
A representative on the Management Board
There's something comforting about Wayne
Britons must see themselves as a single nation!
The impact Jews make
Andy Gray's a dinosaur
Hypocrisy is everywhere these days, ricardo
Muslims will soon overtake churchgoers
Is it worth staying in the EU?
There's nowt so queer as folk
Ann the elephant
Like special father, like special sons
Big kiss for Barnsley
Making money out of the gullible is perfectly acceptable
All the way to the top
Bash the bankers
Spot the honourable man
A man to whom the world owed so much
Zionist editing on Wikipedia
Civic death!
Can this gene be switched off?
Christopher's crusade for common sense
Population growth: mankind faces serious problems

An irrational hatred of Muslims
This corrosive mindset
Gay celebration in maths, geography and science
The most senior officers should be tried for treason
Dumbing-down, equality and diversity
Afghanistan looks gloomy in terms of casualties


Villains of 2010
Herman says no!
Was privatisation a mistake?
Bullingdon Boys v Blinkered Lefties
Mass incarceration is a luxury we can no longer afford
Politicians should say what they think about drugs
Is England too honest to survive?
BNP members cannot be teachers!
White, Christian, married, English does not fit the bill
Our prisons and asylums are full of ethnics!

More Blacks jailed here than in US
Put your money in a bank and it's THEIRS not YOURS!

Protect the jobs of ethnic workers!
Unstoppable, accountable to no one and anti-democratic
The Advancement of World Government

The smallest navy ever!
Why aren't bankers behind bars?

The forces of hate are still with us
Only fools and blackguards
Us priviliged Whities
The worst people in the world and their Tonies
Pope hid sex abuse! Pope soft on Holocaust deniers!
Carswell's banking reform bill
A degree of instability
Top Cop wants a diverse mix
Ambition powered by insecurity
Sell off the motorways says Rothschild!
More mixed-race propaganda
Liberalisation, social engineering, unions, gays and Srebrenica!


Reds are good for something!
Tom Harris' Confession
Griffin's Question Time
I hate Peter Mandelson
Living a pretentious life

And those who operate under him

Irregularities Happen in Every Democracy!
Leopards and spots
Labour loves mass immigration!
Dominated by an army of overpaid, self-important party hacks
In the interest of Israel AND the whole world?
Dishonesty runs through every area of policy
Banned from wearing Union Jack badges!
Gordon's leadership make a Conservative victory likely
Holocaust survivor warns Britain not to give power to BNP
The hatred flourishing beneath
Cameron: 'I will empower UK Jews'
Insulted, abused and all too often silenced

Fear is not the only reason
Some of the Most Reviled Lags in Britain!
Sir Fred Goodwin's obscene deal!
Now Mr Average is daring to blame the Jew
The power the Zionists wield

Obama declares war on the BNP!
The new black broom


Islam Group Urged Forest Fire Jihad!
Amber Latif cancels Christmas!
Someone's Made a Fortune: I Hope They're Held to Account!
Correct Spelling is Such a Burden!
Foreign sperm donors required
What was it all for?

F*** off, this is police business!
Gangs of Asian youths terrorise pensioners!
I am not Superwoman!
The Soaring Demand from Immigrants

I will teach those pigs a lesson one day!
They feel like the Jews of Europe
Revenue interest outweighs this!
Equality and absence of discrimination
The Bush Scroll
The ethnic cleansing of Palestine
Bash the Bishop!
Hardly any children haven't been mugged!
How offensive the truth can be to the politically correct


A very Jewish conspiracy
How they murder us
An issue of trust

We have to prepare for the worst and the worst is war
George Orwell: On Patriotism
The Contribution of Jews is Simply Astounding!

Sarah Silverman would kill Christ again!
Jun 2007 Why England is rotting
The Miliband Prerogative: New Labour Manifestos

Blair's final betrayal
Raise the age of criminal responsibility to 18!
31m precriptions for antidepressants issued in 2006

Home Secretary cannot promise success against terrorism
Seven reasons to vote for the BNP
It should have been Rena that died
Prince Charles’ pal murdered in Mandelaland!


Polish female outraged! Groping is OK in Poland!
Anywhere else it would be called war

The Bishop of Southwark got drunk as a skunk
Tessa, Tony, Gamblers and Criminals
Tony Blair's private fundraiser

Leaving your house unlocked


Immigration, Obesity and Directorships
Dead in a denim jacket
Churchill goaded Hitler into bombing London
Peter Tatchell and Ramzi
Deterring people like you


Cop kills Pastor for cash
ref=" "/>That's just living in London
The death of Terezia Sternbergerova
Are You Brainwashed?
The New Conquest of Britain


The death of Jay Abatan
To christian is not a verb


Rape is endemic in South Africa


Back in the Londonistan day


Abeeku and Jane come to England
For the good of the people


Nov 1996 Tony Blair's Secret Donors


1994 David Morgan's Christmas rampage
Greville Janner and the Frank Beck affair